2012, Number 1
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Acta Med Cent 2012; 6 (1)
Breast cancer: epidemiological, clinical, histological and surgical aspects
de Armas PJI, Koné S, Ramos JR, Gómez IA, Morales MR
Language: Spanish
References: 20
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An observational, descriptive and cross sectional study was conducted in a sample of female patients who underwent breast cancer surgery at the Arnaldo Milian Castro Provincial University Hospital in Santa Clara from January 2005 to December 2010. The aim of the study was to identify the epidemiological, clinical, histopathological and surgical aspects in these patients and the morbidity of this disease in this environment. The universe was made up of 399 patients. The sample was formed by 348 patients operated at the Department of Surgery. Variables such as age, sex, municipality of origin, age at menarche, family history, surgical techniques, histological type, tumor size, number of axillary nodes involved, and the intraductal component and morbidity of breast cancer were studied. All these data were collected on a form, and were processed in version 12.0 of the SPSS. Santa Clara was the municipality with more cases, the average age was 59.6 years, most patients had early menarche, and there was a prevalence of modified radical mastectomy and infiltrating ductal carcinoma. Conservative surgery was performed in a few patients and most of them were diagnosed with stage II. There is an increase in the morbidity of this disease in recent years, and the results showed the need for a functional multidisciplinary consultation for the multisectoral management of this disease with the incorporation of the study of the sentinel lymph node.
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