2001, Number 2
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Rev Med Hosp Gen Mex 2001; 64 (2)
The anaesthetic procedure’s representations
Barragán-Solís A, Ramírez ROF
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 81-85
PDF size: 45.52 Kb.
Text Extraction
In this work we present the image that a group of patients have regarding the anesthetic procedure, characterized from the beginning when is informed of the necessity of intervening surgically under general anesthesia. It continues when the anesthesiologist is shown up with the patient and he/she informs on the procedure to be done, the itinerary in the hospital from the waiting room, the operating room and in the recovery one, and it finishes when the anesthesiologist informs on the facts happened during the surgery and it determines that the patient no longer needs anesthesiologist care. Each one of the opinions that the patients have regarding to the anesthesia and the anesthesiologist allows to conform what we will call “the collective imaginary”, that is the representations that are built socially around certain process and that they are not homogeneous but rather they have particularities depending on social and cultural conditions.
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