2012, Number 5
Pulmonary tuberculosis and Smoking in Primary Health Care
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 35-43
PDF size: 202.22 Kb.
Introduction:the most studied human contagious disease worldwide is tuberculosis, during the last decade efforts have been devoted to control and avoid more infestations.Objective: to determine the clinical-epidemiological characteristics of pulmonary tuberculosis and its association with smoking in patients who were diagnosed in Pinar del Rio municipality.
Material and Method: a descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out from January 2010 to December 2011 in Pinar del Rio municipality. The target group involved the total of patients having the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in Pinar del Rio municipality during 2010-2011. The sample was comprised of 45 patients. Clinical charts of patients, epidemiological surveys recorded in the Statistics Department of the "Municipal Hygiene and Epidemiology Unit" in Pinar del Rio were reviewed. A survey that constituted the primary source of information was applied which included qualitative and quantitative variables.
Results: the most affected group of ages was from 25-59 years old, prevailing male sex. Predominant symptoms included cough and expectoration for more than 14 days. All of the cases were new, 9 of them smokers; observing a delay in the disappearance of symptoms for these patients.
Conclusions: knowledge of tuberculosis behavior and its association with smoking should be increased in Pinar del Rio municipality.
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