2011, Number 1
Digital edition of the contents of the master of health economics
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 81-86
PDF size: 94.51 Kb.
The incorporation of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) is manifested in the formation in health economics research in the educational activity. In its semi-presential version, the same modules are supported on the platform Moodle, which requires connectivity. In carrying out this expertise there are difficulties for efficient access to the contents of it in virtual mode. This research aims to digitally edit the content of the discipline from the use of compact disc and digital media. Macromedia Dreamweaver MX was used. The content of the Moodle platform was downloaded for making the disc. The compact disc was obtained integrating the contents of the master. We present analytical programs of the 4 modules and 16 courses that make up the master. In each listed the objectives, teachers, plan theme, content, evaluation, and bibliography. It is important to signify that the contents of this disk are supplementary literature that uses the master's student in training. The contents of the Master of Health Economics in its digital edition are available to users who request it without existing connectivity.REFERENCES
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Gálvez González AM, Diego Olite F. Tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones en la formación de Economía de la Salud. VI Congreso Internacional de Informática en Salud. 2007. [Fecha de acceso: 27 de abril 2007]. Disponible en: http://www.informatica2007.sld.cu/Members/paquita/tecnologias-de-la-informacion-y-las-comunicaciones-en-la-formacion-en-economia-de-la-salud/