2011, Number 3
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2011; 49 (3)
Acute lung injury as a consequence of blood transfusion
Rodríguez-Moyado H
Language: Spanish
References: 46
Page: 273-280
PDF size: 55.69 Kb.
Acute lung injury (ALI) has been recognized as a consequence
of blood transfusion (BT) since 1978; the Food and Drug Administration,
has classified it as the third BT mortality issue, in
2004, and in first place related with ALI. It can be mainly detected
as: Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), transfusion
associated circulatory overload (TACO) and transfusion
related acute lung injury (TRALI). The clinical onset is: severe
dyspnea, bilateral lung infiltration and low oxygen saturation. In
USA, ARDS has an incidence of three to 22.4 cases/100 000
inhabitants, with 58.3 % mortality. TACO and TRALI are less
frequent; they have been reported according to the number of
transfusions: one in 1275 to 6000 for TRALI and one in 356
transfusions for TACO. Mortality is reported from two to 20 % in
TRALI and 20 % in TACO. Antileukocyte antibodies in blood
donors plasma, caused TRALI in 89 % of cases; also it has
been found antigen specificity against leukocyte blood receptor
in 59 %. The UCI patients who received a BT have ALI as a complication
in 40 % of cases. The capillary pulmonary endothelia is
the target of leukocyte antibodies and also plasma biologic modifiers
of the stored plasma, most probable like a Sanarelli- Shwartzman
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