2011, Number S1
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2011; 49 (S1)
Evaluation of quality in a cancer registry
Fajardo-Gutiérrez A
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 121-124
PDF size: 148.07 Kb.
The results of the cancer data registered during 1996-2007 demonstrates
how fundamental is the work the registrar in the integrity
of a Registry of Childhood Cancer. The work consisted: collecting
the complete information available (the number of cases and information
of the variables), encoding the information according to international
standards, and classifying the data by capturing,
analyzing, and producing the respective reports. The objective of
having quality data (complete, valid and timely) is to estimate the
incidence and trends of cancer in the population. The professional
for the registration does not exist in the current Mexican work force.
Given that a national program of cancer registries is of vital importance
for improved planning medical care, allotment of medical
resources, in cancer research. It will be necessary to create such a
profession by establishing national standards and training programs.
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