2012, Number 6
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Salud Mental 2012; 35 (6)
Publicar sobre Psiquiatría: ¿en español… o en inglés?
De la Portilla GN
Language: Spanish
References: 82
Page: 459-464
PDF size: 106.43 Kb.
Traditionally, medicine has had an intercommunicating language for
use amongs doctors all over the world.
Psychiatry has not been an exception, and after a period in which
Latin was the “lingua franca”, this position was consequently occupied
by French, German, and, to a smaller degree, English. Starting with
the Second World War, and for obvius reasons, this latter language
dominated this position in an absolute manner in a way never before
achieved, except perhaps for Latin. There is, however, a huge difference,
in that, while Latin was no one´s mother tongue, and everyone,
including psychiatrists from Romance languages countries, had to learn
it, English is the mother tongue for more than four hundred millions persons
in the so called First World, many of whom are responsible for the
inmense majority of the research carried out in our discipline.
An imposition has been placed in the Academic Media, obliging
the writing of articles for high impact Journals if one aspires promotion,
and the ten Journals of greatest impact in Psychiatry are written
in English without exception.
Should our reseachers write in another language rather than
their owns?
What true possibility do they have of having their articles published
in those Journals?
How many of their tongue peers will have access to that information?
These are the questions we will try to answer in this paper.
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