2012, Number 4
Sexual behavior and induced abortion in adolescents and young colleges women
Language: Spanish
References: 18
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Introduction: the performance of abortion is an institutionalized practice in our country to ensure the necessary conditions to perform this procedure minimizing all possible risks. However, this procedure can have consequences for reproductive health, at all ages, but primarily in adolescents and young women who are most vulnerable.Objectives: to determine the sexual behavior in the study group and identify a history of induced abortions and its morbidity.
Methods: a descriptive, observational, cross-section study was conducted on sexual behavior and history of induced abortion and its complications in adolescents and young adults, students of higher education. The information was gathered through an interview made to meet such purposes. The study group was composed by all university students from 1st to 3rd years; the sample was made up of those with a history of induced abortion who gave their consent to participate in this research.
Results: 42.2 % of these girls had undergone a termination of pregnancy, 50.5 % initiated sexual activity when they were 15-17 years old, 45.9 % had never protected during sex, and 54.03 % had had two sexual partners.
Conclusions: the onset of early sexual activity, frequent partner changes and the practice of unprotected sex expose adolescents to several of risks including abortion, which compromises their sexual and reproductive health.
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