2012, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Med Trop 2012; 64 (3)
Association of the morphophysiology and the ectoparasite load found in two rat populations (Rattus sp.) in La Habana province
Companioni IA, Berovides ÁV, Hernández CN, Cantillo PJ, de la Fuente AJL
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 224-234
PDF size: 165.87 Kb.
Introduction: some physioecological responses from rodents may be registered through the study of morphological indexes, which is an important factor for the control of rodents.
Objectives: to compare the morphophysiological variables in two rat populations and relate them to the ectoparasite loads.
Methods: this study was carried out from 2007 to 2008 in two sites of La Habana province. Specially prepared traps to catch rats alive were used. Four morphophysiological indexes were studied and then compared through a variance analysis for the two sites.
Results: one hundred four Rattus rattus (83.6 %) and Rattus norvegicus (16.4 %) were analyzed. The relative kidney index showed highly significant different between the rat populations. The morphophysiological indexes were lower in parasitized animals. The ecological importance and the implications of these indexes for the control of obtained results were discussed in this paper.
Conclusions: the morphophysiological analysis proved that the necessary resources for the survival of these species are available, which favors that both rat sexes bear the ectoparasite load in a better way, and thus they represent parasite reservoirs and a permanent transmission risk.
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