2012, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd 2012; 31 (3)
Computational models of articular cartilage behavior
López-Vaca OR, Narváez-Tovar CA, Garzón-Alvarado DA
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 373-385
PDF size: 152.12 Kb.
The articular cartilage provides diarthrodial articulations with low friction, resistance to wear on contact surfaces, and an effective distribution of efforts in areas of contact with the bone. On the other hand, because their tissue is alymphatic and avascular, regeneration takes a long time and is not possible in elderly patients. Various computational models have been developed to study and fully understand cartilage behavior under varying load conditions and in the presence of diseases such as osteoarthritis. The models include specific features of cartilaginous tissue allowing to predict its behavior in normal and abnormal conditions, reducing experimentation time and costs. This update paper presents the main structural and biological characteristics of the articular cartilage, as well as various computational models representing cartilaginous tissue according to its main features, with a view to simulating cartilage deterioration under varying conditions and diseases.
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