2012, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Hig Epidemiol 2012; 50 (2)
Teaching writing in English with medical purposes
Matías CRM, Valdés MC, Almeida UAM
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 257-264
PDF size: 46.94 Kb.
To find a solution to the issue of how to teach writing in English with Medical Purposes to contribute to a better development of this skill, a didactic proposal is presented to be used in the formation of professionals of health as English language competent writers. The theoretical basis about the teaching of writing in English as a foreign language is presented. As a conclusion, the process approach to writing is proposed to solve this issue efficiently as well as to increase communication, organization and linguistic correction in the scientific papers they write and in the steps they follow in this activity within the teaching-learning process.
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