2012, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Hig Epidemiol 2012; 50 (2)
Epidemiology and prevention of metabolic syndrome
Castelo EL, Arnold DY, Trimiño FAA, de Armas RY
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 250-256
PDF size: 99.95 Kb.
The metabolic syndrome (SM) is an assembly of associated conditions such as dislipidemia, arterial hypertension, intolerance to the glucose and obesity. At the beginning was described in 1988, and currently very is approved that is a matter of a situation of health that promotes the aterosclerosis. The Systems of Health of the diverse countries have increasing their interest in the SM, to the extent of recognizing it as a problem of Health Publishes, not alone by their high prevalence, but also by their role like factor of risk for the cardiovascular illnesses and the diabetes mellitus, that imply a great morbimortalidad. other illnesses that imply a great morbimortalidad. Multiple studies have been carried out to try to determine its prevalence in the population. They are put in practice regional programs of prevention of this syndrome, with the objective to achieve a decrease of the impact that the SM represents for the systems of health.
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