2011, Number 1
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2011; 49 (1)
Effect of food intake habits and dietary behavior of teenager students related with their nutritional status
Palacios-Esquer MR, Tortoledo-Ortiz O, Torres-Valencia E
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 29-35
PDF size: 83.86 Kb.
Objective: to assessment the nutrition condition and alimentary behavior in adolescents.
Methods: a sample of 616 adolescents of high school system financed by the government was studied. The number of the meals having at home on a weekly basis diet. Body Mass Index (BMI), anemia and vitamin were measured. They were divide by region of residence: north (Nogales), center (Hermosillo) and south (Navojoa) differenced by human development index (HDI) and its components.
Results: the average age was 16 year with a range from 15 to 19 years. Teenagers whose dietary behavior was eating at home between five to seven times on a weekly basis, their consumption of kilocalories, proteins, iron and calcium is either adequate or very close to be, and the same for
A serum vitamin. The lowest nutritional condition was registered in Navojoa which is placed in the south region of the Sonora state.
Conclusions: to understand the nutritional problem in the adolescence is necessary to study the alimentary behavior. We observed differences by regions in the alimentary behavior in the Sonora state in Mexico.
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