2012, Number 5
Manual for Diagnosis and Treatment of Anxiety Disorders Dra. Odalis Fernández López, (1) Dra. Bárbara Jiménez Hernández, (2)
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 466-479
PDF size: 128.10 Kb.
Anxiety is the most common and universal of all emotions. It is a feeling or a normal emotional state in certain situations and that is a common response to everyday stressful situations. Only when it exceeds certain intensity or the adaptive capacity of the person, it becomes pathological and causes significant discomfort with symptoms that affect both the physical and psychological behavioral spheres. Anxiety disorders are more common than any other psychiatric disorder. However, they are often unnoticed and therefore untreated. This manual has been conformed in order to provide physicians in primary health care resources to enable the diagnosis of anxiety disorders and the indication of the appropriate therapy, using diagnostic algorithms, which identify the psychopathology of each clinical presentation and its pharmacological and psychological conducts.REFERENCES
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