2012, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2012; 15 (1)
Types of violence in the courtship: in university students UAEM Zumpango
Olvera RJA Arias LJ, Amador VRA
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 150-171
PDF size: 404.61 Kb.
The present investigation had as intention Identify if immersed
violence exists in the relations of engagement of the students of
the University Center UAEM Zumpango, of the Autonomous
University of the State of Mexico. By it there was applied to 100
students an Instrument of 78 questions, created by Delgadillo
and adapted for university population. The test consists of four
areas: economic violence, psychological violence, physical
violence and sexual violence. The obtained results show that 92
% of the participants recognized indications of psychological
violence in the past immediate relation or in that nowadays they
were supporting. Likewise derived from an Anova one way the
psychological violence is the predominant one in the relations of
pair that there establish the students of the careers of Nursing,
Psychology, Tourism and Law. It is necessary to indicate that
the psychological violence almost always is accompanied of
another type of violence, for example 34 % of the university
women demonstrated to live through episodes of psychological
violence combined with someone of other types of violence
(physical, economic and sexual). 31% recognized elements of
three types of violence in their relationship. The most frequent
combination was, psychological, economic and physical. 12 %
placed in a relation with four present types of violence and only
2% I do not see any evidence of violence in his relationship.
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