2012, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2012; 15 (1)
A problem to solve: adolescent loneliness and isolation
Contini EN, Lacunza AB, Medina SE, Alvarez M, González M, Coria V
Language: Spanish
References: 46
Page: 127-149
PDF size: 189.79 Kb.
The research of social skills in early adolescence has gained
interest in the past few decades because of its close links with
the quality of life of the adolescent. One of the dysfunctions in
increase in the last few decades that most concerned to
parents, teachers and psychologists is the behavior of
loneliness and isolation. A study was realized by 216
adolescents of socioeconomic low level of the province of
Santiago of the Estero (Argentina) who attending 5º and 6º
degrees of public schools. The aims of the present study were:
1) to evaluate the prevalence of behavior of loneliness and
isolation, 2) to evaluate the deficits in HHSS of the teen
participants according to levels of low NES as sex and 3) to
analyze the relation between isolation, loneliness and the deficit
in the HHSS of the teen participants. One administered the
Battery of Social Skills (BAS-3) of Silva and Martorell,
Loneliness and Isolation Questionnaire (CAS) of Casullo and a
sociodemographic survey. Was observed that 23 % of the
teenagers were showing behaviors of loneliness while 19 %
was recounting isolation of others. The analyses univariate
realized to the BAS-3 did not show statistical differences
according to sex of the participants whereas according to the
context, was observed that the teenagers of average low NES
refer more behaviors of consideration to others with regard to
his couples of low NES. One thought that the group of
teenagers with deficits in Ac were recounting more behaviors of
loneliness that his couples without deficits. Identical trend was
observed with regard to the group by deficits in Li. The obtained
results will allow realizing actions of prevention of behaviors of
loneliness and isolation.
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