2012, Number 2
Tumor de senos endodérmicos. Reporte de un caso
Bobadilla MOPV, Tejocote RI, Rizzo PT
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 95-101
PDF size: 124.89 Kb.
Germ cell tumors are derived from primary germ cells that in embrionary stages goes from the primitive central nervious system to gonads. The etiology of the testicular tumors is unknown. Endodermal sinus tumors also known as infantile embryonal carcinoma or yolk sac appears more frequently in children up to three years with an incidence of six per 100,000, in male of white race (ratio 5:1).The diagnosis includes several facts as clinical, with the presence of a solid, painless, testicular or intraescrotal mass, and in the physical exam with a well defined firm aspects: humoral, by the determination of serum alphafetoprotein and corionic gonadotropine human with a prognosis value, and response of the treatment; radiological, through ultrasound we can determine the existence of testicular tumors by their characteristics and look at the contralateral testis, abdominal, pelvic and thoracic axial computed tomography, and bones gammagrama let the clinician categorized clinical stages and defined treatment, and histological, through histological establishment of the tumor by byopsy. Most germ cell tumors are very aggressive and can quickly produce extensive metastases even though actually with current treatments most of them can be cured, the prognosis has improved because of the multidisciplinary management. The differential diagnosis includes: hidrocele, traumatic hematocele, and orquiepididimitis. The range of survival correlates with age, even though chemotherapy reports a survival of 96%.REFERENCES