2012, Number 4
Pregnancy in adolescence: its behavior in San Luis municipality
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 74-83
PDF size: 260.62 Kb.
Introduction: pregnancy in early ages, without sufficient biological and psychological preparation, brings about a series of difficulties and problems.Objective: to assess the behavior of pregnancy in adolescence in “San Luis” municipality during a five-year period (2005-2010).
Material and Method: an applied research was carried out starting from quantitative methodology, through a longitudinal, retrospective, analytical and descriptive design. The target group was comprised of 2165 all pregnant women from January 2005 to December 2010; the sample included all pregnant adolescents (405) belonging to San Luis municipality. The techniques and procedures followed to collect the information were conducted by means of a documentary revision. A detailed report of the clinical histories together with the information recorded in the archives of the municipal genetic department was performed, data collected included: maternal age, cause of pregnancy, occupation, diseases during pregnancy, weight at birth and noncompletion rate. Empirical method was used applying percentage mean as a measure of central trend to analyze the qualitative variables.
Results: adolescents between 16 and 18 years old prevailed, all them were students; lack of knowledge was the main cause of pregnancy. Pregnancy was monitored from the early weeks on the greatest percentages; along with associated diseases, where hypertension prevailed.
Conclusion: at the final weeks of pregnancy, the weight was adequate and the majority did not continue their studies.
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