2010, Number 3
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2010; 48 (3)
Quality indicators in the early detection of cervicouterine-cancer in primary health care units
Linaldi-Yépez F, Hernández-Cruz L, Apresa-García T, Hernández-Hernández DM, Martínez-Torres J
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 243-252
PDF size: 53.49 Kb.
Background: to determine the quality of a prompt
cervical cancer detection program (TDC CC) according
to the indicators for prevention and diagnosis.
Methods: cross-sectional and comparative study
conducted in four primary care units. We selected
400 patients who attended preventive services to
participate in the study of cervical cytology (Pap).
The evaluation of the Program of TDC CC was
obtained by the degree of fulfillment of quality and
productivity outlined by an institutional program.
The seven indicators were measured by the same
scale. A descriptive statistics, adjusted kappa, and
chi square with a level of significance of 95 % confidence
interval was used.
Results: the average age was 40 ± 12.6 years. Most
women (92.5 %) had information about the Pap
screening method in CC, even thought only 25.3 %
had this test done in the last three years. The interobserver
agreement was scored low by three
cytotechnologists. The degree of compliance according
to indicators of the 4 units was 35.7 %, and was
rated as moderate. The best indicators were great
productivity among cytotechnologists, the number
and proportion of re-examined cytologies.
Conclusions: most indicators were below the expected
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