2010, Number 2
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2010; 48 (2)
Perception of benefits, limit and social assistance on the elderly to accomplish physical activity
Porras-Juárez C, Grajales-Alonso I, Hernández-Cruz MC, Alonso-Castillo MM, Tenahua-Quitl I
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 127-132
PDF size: 38.06 Kb.
Background: worldwide older adult (OA) population
will grow from 10 % to 22 % between the year
2000 and 2050. In Mexico 8.2 millions are OA,
which represents a worry for the governmental institutions
because affect the social participation.
Objective: to understand the perceived benefits,
barriers and social support for physical activity (PA)
in OA in a gerontology unit.
Methods:we used a qualitative approach with semi
structured interviews in depth. Fifteen OA from both
sexes were included. Microanalysis line by line was
conducted to get at open and axial encoding. Health
Belief Model was used as theoretical and interpretative
Results: categories and subcategories analysis allowed
us to understand the benefits perceived, barriers
and social support for PA. The OA perceived
that PA benefits their health. However emotional and
social factors limit the acquisition of behavior perception.
Conclusions: health and recreation were the main
reason for PA. The OA developed autonomy that
impacts on the acquisition of an emotional attitude
and confidence. PA retards the expression of functional
deficiency and prevents the onset or exacerbation
of chronic degenerative diseases.
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