2012, Number 4
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Aten Fam 2012; 19 (4)
Types of Interfamilial Communication of Young Addicts attending a Family Medicine Clinic in Mexico City
Espinosa OPC, Hamui SA
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 99-102
PDF size: 292.88 Kb.
Objective: to identify types of communication
that prevailed in families with addicted
children and how they are translate in behaviors
that contribute or not in maintaining
addiction according to the meaning given by
the families.
Material and methods: qualitative
and interpretive study of three families
with addicted adolescents, who attend the
“Gustavo A. Madero” Family Medicine Unit
(UMF) of the Institute for Security and Social
Services for the Workers of the State (ISSSTE).
A not random sampling was conducted by
convenience of six persons: three mothers
and their three children, using the technique
of semi-structured and audio-taped
interviews; a voluntary participation, their
identity was protected with the anonymity;
their dignity was respected and the confidentiality
of their testimonies was ensured.
Results: addicted adolescents of the three
families grew up in homes with negative and
violent communication patterns associated
with dysfunctional behaviors (low school
performance, aggressive interpersonal relationships
as well as feelings of mistrust,
insecurity and neglect), which affected their
cognitive, relational and emotional development.
In this context the consumption of
addictive substances appears as a mechanism
of evasion before the choice of facing and
modifying their patterns of interaction. By this way, it also explains the homeostatic role
of addiction in order to divert attention to
another family situation.
Conclusions: with
more thoughtful and propositional patterns
of communication, styles to face conflicts
can change, avoiding them to become
chronic. A proper communication protects
families and influences in other contexts
minimizing adverse social influences.
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