2012, Number 4
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Aten Fam 2012; 19 (4)
Benefits of Prescription of Exercise in Primary Care
Baena RA, Valencia K, Monroy MA, León JS, Cardona DC, Cárdenas GM
Language: Spanish
References: 37
Page: 94-98
PDF size: 290.89 Kb.
Objective: to show the benefits of proper
prescription of exercise in healthy patients
and in those with pathologies such as obesity,
Diabetes mellitus type 2, hypertension,
obesity, asthma, and osteoarthritis.
and methods: documentary research. Descriptive,
longitudinal and retrospective study.
It was held between January and May, 2012.
It included the search for articles published in
medical journals both in original and review
articles in the following databases: Cochrane,
PubMed and Science Direct.
through the analysis of 37 selected articles it
is ratified that physical activity and exercise can
be a means of prevention and rehabilitation in
the case of diseases that have modifying risk
Conclusions: the Family Physician
challenge is to identify each patient, considering
different factors such as individual life cycle,
sex, physical limitations, base pathologies
and state of health. Likewise, the physician
must also support the patient in order that it
is the patient who involves physical activity
and exercise in their daily lives.
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