2009, Number 5
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2009; 47 (5)
Sickness Absence Certification from the Medical Perspective
Echevarría-Zuno S, Mar-Obeso ÁJ, Borja-Aburto VH, Méndez-Bueno FJ, Aguilar-Sánchez L, Rascón-Pacheco RA
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 565-574
PDF size: 56.02 Kb.
Sickness absence certification is a medical task with important clinical, social, occupational and ethical implications, in addition to economic consequences for the worker, the employers and social security institutions. In 2007, IMSS affiliated workers received certifications for 65 384 690 days of absence, with cash benefits for 8.1 billion pesos. The duration of return to work depends on the efficiency of health care team as well as factors associated to the worker and the occupational environment. The correct management of sickness absence certification requires adequate disease diagnosis, regulatory knowledge and adequate communication with the patient. The purpose of control and auditing is to make sure that the certification is adequate in the indication and the optimal length, in order to warrant a responsible and sustainable management of this resource of social protection. If expenditure reduction is not possible, the objective is to avoid inefficient or irrational management. Treating physicians, with proper information, can contribute to optimize the provision of this benefit to those who need it.
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