2012, Number 2
The professional competencies in the information management and the knowledge in health
Language: Spanish
References: 15
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A cross-sectional descriptive observational study was carried out, to determine the importance of the professional competitions in the information management and the knowledge in health. This qualitative investigation was developed through an interview, designed in the University Employment Office from the National Autonomous University of Mexico and applied to 24 Cuban investigators of Medical Sciences, in Ciego de Avila, during July 2011. It was deepened in the value of these competitions in the four profiles of the health sector workers: welfare, educational, investigative and administrative. The welfare work needs confidence, tenacity and communication with the patient and the rest of the medical equipment in order to manage information. The educational function requires of the continuous learning, the consultant's office and the communication because they contribute to the pedagogical investigation and systematic transference of the knowledge. The research task requires of creativity and innovation, originality and communication to generate, to codify and to spread its results. The administrative task demands leadership, teamwork, planning and organization of information in systems and health services. It was concluded that all professional competitions, mainly communication, contribute to the management of the information and knowledge in public health centers.REFERENCES
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