2012, Number 3
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Rev Mex Anest 2012; 35 (3)
Anestesia y complicaciones hemodinámicas en el cierre percutáneo de la comunicación interauricular en el Centro Médico ISSEMyM
Gómez-Ríos N, Rodríguez-Ortega MF, Hernández-Mercado MA, Palma-Mercado J, Arreola-López G, Victoria-Campos JL, Rojas-Pérez E
Language: Spanish
References: 66
Page: 174-180
PDF size: 316.01 Kb.
Objective: To report our anesthetic protocol as well as the complications haemodynamics presented during the positioning of the percutaneous devices for closing of atrial septal defects.
Methods: Between January 2008 and December 2010, the revision of 30 clinical records of the patients with atrial septal defects diagnosis and that went candidates to percutaneous interventions, analyzing the following variables: age and gender, characteristics of the septal defect, anesthesic protocol, echocardiographyc study, type of device and haemodynamic complications.
Results: 30 patients studied, majority of gender female, age average of 41.4 years, type
ostium secundum 24 and foramen oval 6, defect average of 18.3 mm and 5.26 mm, general anesthesia in the 100% of the cases, pulmonary arterial pressure average of 51.41 mmHg and 39.66 mmHg, Qp: Qs of 2.4:1 and 1.6:1, in all the cases realized transthoracic echocardiography previous to the procedure and transesophageal during the positioning of the device, we used device type Helex
® in 6 and Occlutech Figulla
® in 24; a patient present migration of the device and surgery was planned. At sixteen months, all the patients were asymptomatic.
Conclusion: The anesthetic technique in each patient must guarantee the stability haemodynamics and to obtain the idoneal position of the device by the surgical team.
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