2012, Number 3
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Rev Mex Anest 2012; 35 (3)
Anesthesia for renal transplantation: 20 years of experience
Villegas-Anzo F, Gracida-Juárez C, Castellanos-Olivares A, Rangel-Montes MA
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 167-173
PDF size: 117.42 Kb.
Introduction: Development of new anesthetics agents has been possible that anesthesiologist prefer general anesthesia for renal transplantation.
Objective: To know the new anesthetic agents have been used in renal transplantation and knowledge the anesthetic complications.
Design: Study of cohorts.
Materials and methods: During 20 years, 1,573 patients were under renal transplantation, all of them had general anesthesia, we registered weight, age, gender, anesthetic and surgical risk, source of donation, cause of kidney failure, type of anesthetic agent, inductor agent, neuromuscular blocker agent and complications.
Results: 1,573 patients were under balanced general anesthesia, 41 with total intravenous anesthesia, induction was thiopental 16 cases, ethomidate 298 cases, midazolam 721, and propofol 1,259, fentanyl in all cases. Orotracheal intubation was done in 1,520 cases and 53 patients were intubated more than 12 hours. Anesthetics complications were classified in cardiac, respiratory and metabolic. Hemodynamic parameters were registered: Central venous pressure (CVP), mean arterial pressure (MAP) before and after of perfusion; 0.9% saline, 3% gelatin polymer, human albumin, 6% hydroxyethyl starch, plasma, erythrocyte concentrate were used as fluid therapy and electrolyte balance. Furosemide, mannitol and dopamine were used for renal protection.
Conclusions: Propofol and isoflurane was the more used anesthetic agent, metabolic complications were the more common in transanesthesic period. Survival time of living donor was 95% and cadaveric donor was 85%.
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