2011, Number 4
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Biotecnol Apl 2011; 28 (4)
Biochemical and virological response of patients with Hepatitis C virus-caused cirrhosis to treatment with interferon and ribavirin
Dorta Z, Castellanos M, Nodarse H, Arús E, Pérez F, González L
Language: English
References: 40
Page: 240-244
PDF size: 159.43 Kb.
Combination antiviral therapies have previously been used with success in patients suffering from hepatic cirrhosis caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV). We present here the results of a multi-center clinical trial sponsored by the Institute of Gastroenterology, which included a total of 36 patients diagnosed with hepatic cirrhosis due to HCV, at class A stage in the Child scoring scheme. The patients were treated with interferon alfa 2b plus ribavirin during 48 weeks, estimating the efficacy of this combination through qualitative determinations of serum HCV RNA and the biochemical behavior of the hepatic enzyme alanine aminotransferase (ALAT). A sustained virological response was obtained in 25% of the patients, and 50% of the patients controlled their ALAT levels in a sustained manner. The results show that this treatment has a positive effect on cirrhotic patients. There are only a few studies in Cuba describing the results of this therapeutic combination in cirrhotic patients.
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