2012, Number 2
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Arch Med Urg Mex 2012; 4 (2)
Application of the admission criteria to the Reanimation Unit of the Adult Emergency Department of General Hospital, National Medical Center «La Raza»
Moreno RJC, Russi HM, Loría CJ, Chablé CFG, Arrieta VJ
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 51-58
PDF size: 62.72 Kb.
Background: Malfunction of the emergency department causes saturation and numbness in the service and patient care. Although there are protocols for selection of patients according to priority of care (triage), in many Emergency Departments can see an inappropriate use of Reanimation Units by physicians, but in the medical literature does not exist evidence to show and explain this phenomenon.
Objective: Determine the number of unjustified revenues to the reanimation Unit of the Emergency Department of General Hospital National Medical Center «La Raza».
Methodology: We conducted a survey of all patients who entered to the reanimation unit 1 to December 31, 2011 to determine the existence of criteria for admission to the reanimation unit according to priority levels of CTAS triage system. Two groups were formed: a) patients with income justified the reanimation unit, b) patients with unjustified admission to the reanimation unit. Using the χ
2 test determined whether the indications for admission to the Reanimation Unit were adequate.
Results: We found that 62.7% of patients admitted to the Reanimation Unit were not justified, while only 37.2% fulfilled criteria that warranted admission.
Conclusions: Most of the proceeds to the Reanimation Unit of the Emergency Department of General Hospital National Medical Center «La Raza» are not justified.
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