2012, Number 2
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Pediatr Mex 2012; 14 (2)
National consensus about the diagnosis and treatment of anemia in childhood and adolescence
Sánchez MVJ, García GJL, Velasco PM, Flores HS, Belmont ML, Orozco MJV, Contreras ME, Delgado DJJ, Esparza HJA, García LR, García RA, Guajardo TJG, Heredia GAA, Loaiza GJJ, Medina NCH, Millán LMS, Reyes MA, Salvador VJA, Vázquez HJA, Chávez GLE, Hernández MM, CMondragón GCG, Reyes ZN, Jiménez GC, Aldrete-Velasco J
Language: Spanish
References: 93
Page: 71-85
PDF size: 129.44 Kb.
Background: Based on the report of the World Health Organization and UNICEF, 2008, about two billion people suffer from anemia in the world, half of them by iron deficiency. This deficiency is the result of imbalance between need and supply of iron with the consequence anemia. The age groups most affected are children and adolescents, due to the increased demand that will need their physical growth and in women of childbearing age, the loss of iron due to menstruation or the increased needs for iron during pregnancy. Often the increased requirement for iron is not covered by the usual diet, inadequate content and/or low bioavailability of it. In Mexico, the prevalence of anemia observed in children 12 to 59 months was 23.7%, for the group of 12 to 23 months 37.8%, compared with the other groups. In the group of children 5 to 11 years old, the national prevalence was 16.6%, and in the case of adolescents 12 to 19 years old of both sexes was 11.5%.
Methods: 25 experts participated in developing this consensus (19 pediatricians, three specialists in hematology, a medical nutritionist and a doctor expert in methodology for the development of guidelines and consensus) based mainly on scientific information, epidemiological and clinical as well as experience of the participants. Two physicians compiled the opinions issued work tables. Developed questions on iron deficiency anemia during childhood and adolescence to carry out a literature search conducted.
Results: The experts worked in round tables to discuss the issues to handle in this consensus with their respective levels of evidence and recommendation.
Conclusions: Iron supplementation is important for the prevention and treatment of anemia in childhood and adolescence.
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