2012, Number 3
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AMC 2012; 16 (3)
Ultrasonographic Screening of Genetic Markers and Serious Congenital Malformations
Miranda RF; Mirón FC; Balaguer BA; Iglesias VE; Pérez GI; Cento PD
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 295-309
PDF size: 220.82 Kb.
Introduction: the determination of the predictive value of genetic markers is of vital importance; because the presence of several markers in early stages of gestation is an indicator of the presence or not of aneuploidy.
Objective: to improve the quality of prenatal diagnosis from the first weeks of pregnancy.
Method: a descriptive retrospective study was carried out where all pregnant women who have undergone the ultrasonographic study during the 1st and 2nd trimester were included. Non probabilistic sampling was used. Anomalies detected by ultrasonography and pathoanatomical diagnosis were classified according to the most affected anatomical structure. Comparison of their results corroborated the preliminary diagnosis. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed and results were expressed in percentages and tables.
Results: results of registered genetic markers were taken into account according to its clinical meaning or not; those of more incidences were the visualization of collector structures and the ping pong ball image, the presence of several markers associated with serious congenital malformations; the biggest number of alterations was detected between 20 and 34 years.
Conclusions: the screening of genetic markers increases the quality of prenatal diagnosis, because of their early appearance and they are related or not with chromosomal alterations or other serious congenital malformations.
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