2012, Number 2
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AMC 2012; 16 (2)
Validation of dynamic protocol for the proper use of antimicrobials
García SJL; Ortiz HE; Vázquez R
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 162-172
PDF size: 183.83 Kb.
Background: resistance increases with the indiscriminate use of antimicrobials. The speed of microorganisms'adaption is greater than new antimicrobials obtaining.
Objective: to implement and to validate strategies, policies and dynamic protocols, allowing a rational and appropriate use of antimicrobials.
Method: a dynamic protocol for the proper use of antimicrobials was developed establishing rotations from the behavior of antimicrobian resistance and microbial quarterly maps. With data collected, the behavior of resistance and consumption of antimicrobials from 2007 to 2009 was evaluated to give effect to the established protocol.
Results: nonparametric study did not provide conclusive results on the changes are seeking. Penicillin and ceftriaxone are of higher consumption and reached in 2009, the 100 % of resistance. Graphic analysis showed that consumption decreased to increase resistance.
Conclusions: the use of dynamic protocol was effective during the study in the respiratory infections ward; the spread of dynamic protocol in care centers is recommended in order to control the variables of study.
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