2012, Number 1
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AMC 2012; 16 (1)
Technical variant in the pacemaker pocket manufacture
Segura PLA
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 53-61
PDF size: 170.22 Kb.
Background: with the variant to the technique of pacemaker implant, when preparing the pacemaker pocket, the size of the incision is reduced and it is simplified the wound closure.
Objective: to show the technical variant in the classical pacemaker pockets manufacture.
Method: a retrospective descriptive study was conducted in a basic working group of the Cardiology service at the University Hospital Manuel Ascunce Domenech of Camaguey, from January 2003 to December 2010. The universe of study was constituted by 1540 patients who were implanted pacemakers. Non-random sampling was constituted by 598 patients.
Results: male sex and the age group of 60 years predominated, with 80 implants as an annual average. From the total, primary implant and single chamber generators prevailed. The complications were presented in the order of the 1.82 %.
Conclusions: this technical variant for the pocket manufacturing was reduced the size of the wound, the number of complications and material resources.
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