2012, Number 2
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2012; 20 (2)
Priority work values in nursing staff
Badillo-Reyes L, López-Castellanos L, Ortiz-Ramírez MI
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 71-78
PDF size: 220.94 Kb.
Introduction: Values are a set of personal beliefs and attitudes applied to truth, beauty, worthy of any thought, object or behavior. Caring for another human being in his daily routine is primarily an act of life where the person must be respected and his customs taken into account. The principle of beneficence requires the health professional, especially nursing professionals to do their utmost in patient care with ethics and professionalism, and do everything one can to improve health, as they must have the spirit of helping the patient.
Objective: To know which are the priority work values in nursing professionals of Children’s Hospital of Hidalgo state to carry out a good performance of their activities in collaboration with the health team.
Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted, scales to measure personal values and EVAT-30 were used. 134 nurses from Children’s Hospital of Hidalgo state participated.
Results: The core values for these health professionals are responsibility, respect and generosity, kindness, security, stimulation and hedonism, being the least important wisdom, tradition and the power or authority.
Conclusions: The results found in this study suggest that nurses at Children’s Hospital of Hidalgo state have collectivist rather than individualistic values
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