2011, Number 1
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VacciMonitor 2011; 20 (1)
Immunomodulator effect of the CM-95 Solution treated magnetically in Balb/c mouse with 5- fluorouracil inoculated
Martínez C, Tamayo V, Favier P, Reynier CJ, Hernández R, Sierra G
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 13-21
PDF size: 341.40 Kb.
5-Fluorouracil is an antineoplastic drug used in cancer chemotherapy. It has immunosuppressant effects by
inhibiting cell proliferation from the haematopoietic tissue. In this paper, the immunomodulating effect of the
magnetically treated CM-95 solution in Balb/c mice inoculated with 5- fluorouracil by its rehabilitating protecting
action on cell parameters of the haematopoietic tissue. Six-week old mice weighing 20-22 g were inoculated
twice with magnetically treated CM-95 solution by intraperitoneal route. Then, they received 5-fluoracile in a dose
of 150 mg/m2 of body surface by the same route. Haematopoietic parameters such as total and differential
leukocyte count were evaluated before applying the antineoplastic drug and at the third and seventh days after
the application. Bone marrow and spleen cellularity as well as the microscopic observation of the histological cut
of the liver and of spleen, by the technique of inclusion in paraffin dyes with 10% eosin haematoxylin, were
evaluated at seven days after the application of 5 fluorouracil. The magnetically treated CM-95 solution could
modulate the effects of 5-fluorouracil with protecting and rehabilitating activity for the parameters evaluated in
the bone marrow, peripheral blood, spleen and liver. These results open new perspectives for the application of
the magnetically treated aqueous system as immunomodulator.
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