2012, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Pediatr 2012; 84 (2)
Inborn purine metabolism errors and other related diseases
Contreras RJ
Language: Spanish
References: 20
PDF size: 353.60 Kb.
Inborn purine metabolism errors are complex inherited disorders of great clinical impact that present with variable symptoms according to the type of disease. It might occur renal problems of unknown origin, metal retardation with neurological manifestations, retarded growth, recurrent infections, self-mutilation, immunodeficiencies, unexplainable haemolytic anemia, gout-related arthritis, family history, consanguinity and adverse reactions to those drugs that are analogous of purines. The study of these diseases generally begins by quantifying serum uric acid and uric acid present in the urine which is the final product of purine metabolism in human beings. Diet and drug consumption are among the pathological, physiological and clinical conditions capable of changing the level of this compound. This review was intended to disseminate information on the inborn purine metabolism errors as well as to facilitate the interpretation of the uric acid levels and other biochemical markers making the diagnosis of these diseases possible. The tables relating these diseases to the excretory levels of uric acid and other biochemical markers, the altered enzymes, the clinical symptoms, the model of inheritance, and in some cases, the suggested treatment. This paper allowed us to affirm that variations in the uric acid levels and the presence of other biochemical markers in urine are important tools in screening some inborn purine metabolism errors, and also other related pathological conditions.
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