2012, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd 2012; 31 (1)
Medical and dental diseases caused by alcoholism in adults and adolescents. Animal models
Ruiz CH, Herrera BA, Puldón SG
Language: Spanish
References: 45
Page: 26-36
PDF size: 54.44 Kb.
Alcoholism is an incurable chronic disease characterized by uncontrolled consumption of alcoholic beverages. It does not only affects adults, but also adolescents and young persons, which turns it into one of the main medical-social problems facing mankind. Alcohol consumption affects practically the whole body. Its main organic manifestations include histopathological alterations of the liver and kidneys, with an impact on blood pressure. This addiction has been associated to the origin and severity of periodontal diseases and oral cancer. These assertions, valid as well for human beings, have been proved in adult and adolescent laboratory animals, leading to the conclusion that indiscriminate and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages causes damage to the human body even at early life stages.
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