2012, Number 1
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Arch Neurocien 2012; 17 (1)
Tratamiento microquirúrgico de los aneurismas intracraneales rotos
Tamez-Montes D, Ramírez-Barrios LR, Garza-Mercado R, Martínez-Ponce de León ÁR, Villarreal-Reyna G, Peña-Ramírez D
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 39-41
PDF size: 80.30 Kb.
The management of the intracranial aneurysm is a great challenge to neurosurgery. One of the most effective treatment to prevent the subsequent re-bleeding of a previous ruptured aneurism is the surgical clipping, The aim of this study is to present the postoperative outcome of ruptured aneurysm managed in this hospital the last 5 years.
Methods: this study included 86 patients with ruptured intracranial aneurysm treated with surgical clipping during the last five years in the University Hospital «Dr. José Eleuterio González». The outcome was evaluated using the glasgow coma SCALE, Hunt and Hess and Fisher scale.
Results: the mean age in this study was 51 years old, 72% were woman. The most frequent location of intracranial aneurism was in the posterior communicant artery (37%). During surgery there were only 4% of complication, 2 patient with ruptured aneurysm and 1 patient with occlusion of MCA. There were 4% of mortality.
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