2012, Number 1
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Enf Neurol (Mex) 2012; 11 (1)
Nursing Care Process applied to a person with traumatic brain injury
Villegas SEA, Santiago GS
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 25-29
PDF size: 61.83 Kb.
We applied the Nursing Care Process (SAP) at the Hospital “Lic. Adolfo López Mateos” nurse according to the methodological approach, using the self-care deficit theory of Dorothea E. Orem, aimed at a male patient of 24 years with physician diagnosed multiple trauma, head injury grade III subarachnoid hemorrhage, with rating scale neuro-vascular Fisher II. The aim of this work is that the nurse acquires opinions, options, knowledge and skills to diagnose, provide nursing treatments and identify risk factors that helps the patient to a speedy recovery or maintain their health and disease not only the biological aspect, but also the psychosocial aspect and spiritual in order to prevent secondary conditions. The theoretical aspects are under development and refinement. For these reasons, the research is the bridge between theory and practice where the pursuit of knowledge is the base to form the judgment and nursing actions.
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