2012, Number 1
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2012; 20 (1)
Perceived self-efficacy and alcohol consumption in health workers
Hinojosa-García L, Alonso-Castillo MM, Castillo-Muraira Y
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 19-25
PDF size: 96.89 Kb.
Introduction: Excessive alcohol consumption is a public health problem in Mexican society, health workers with perceived low self-efficacy have more dependence and high alcohol consumption, which affects job performance and care provided to patients.
Objective: To determine self-efficacy perception and consumption of alcohol by age, gender and employment status in healthcare workers.
Methods: A descriptive study of 167 workers assigned into four strata. The Situational Confidence Questionnaire and Disorders Identification Test for Alcohol use (AUDIT) were used. Data analysis was performed using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Results: A significant negative relationship between age and alcohol consumption was found, males had higher alcohol consumption than women, professional health care workers have lower consumption than non-professionals and finally women reported greater perceived self-efficacy to resist temptation of alcohol consumption than men.
Discussion: In relation to consumption by gender and employment status, findings are similar to those already reported; another important fact is that age had significant negative relationship with alcohol consumption, thus the younger, the more alcohol consumption.
Conclusions: Perceived self-efficacy is the most important variable and was the most effective in controlling addictive behaviors.
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