2011, Number 4
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Revista Cubana de Información en Ciencias de la Salud (ACIMED) 2011; 22 (4)
Evidence-base medicine: biomedical research, health care and information professionals
Cañedo AR, Cruz FJ, Nodarse RM, Guerrero PJC, Álvarez PD
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 301-316
PDF size: 304.87 Kb.
With the aim of to strengthen a set of fundamental elements related to evidence-based medicine, useful for the health information professionals without an advanced training on the subject, some of the key features in this knowledge area are summarized. Some features approached beforehand in an abridged way by authors are exposed incorporating its experiences and reflections in relation to this form to exercise the clinic to show a more updated and mature conception on this subject, allowing to information health professionals to notice of the chances offered by this form for its professional knowledge, specially in those working in health institutions devoted to medical assistance. The backgrounds of evidence-based medicine; the insufficiencies of the traditional medical practice and the benefits of the new form; the particular character of evidence-based medicine and its practice, as expression of the postulates of information management after the knowledge; the significance, the figures of clinical librarian and the information technician, as well as the impact of new approaches on the current clinical practice.
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