2011, Number 4
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An Med Asoc Med Hosp ABC 2011; 56 (4)
Galen of Pergamum: A pioneer in the history of science, establishes the scientific basis of medicine
Romero HA, Ramírez BJ, López SR, Cuevas VG, De la Orta RJF, Trejo GLF, Vorhauer RS, García NSI
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 218-225
PDF size: 134.82 Kb.
The medical system created by Galen was the most influential in the history of medicine. He has the merit of starting the orderly knowledge of comparative and topographic anatomy, based on observation. An historiographic analysis of the papers written by important galenists, analyzing the galenic doctrinal systematic factors as triggers to establish scientific grounds of medicine. Galen developed: About the use of parts and about the anatomic procedures, which was a fundamental work in renacentis universities. In his compound of Pathology Ad Glauconem de metodo medendi, Galen recommended first of all to know the patients through key clinical data to determine disease changes. In Physiology he utilizes scientific postulates to describe the interpretative analysis in relation to the movement of the human being, he also utilizes the discoveries obtained by Anatomy dissection, showing the intimately and inseparable function of Anatomy. His scientific spirit leads him further, and he utilizes his results in a practical way applied to diagnosis and treatment of disease. Galen is shown as one of the first ancient scientists who based his knowledge in observation and experimentation which leads him to carry out analysis of the events giving out conclusions supported by a methodological approach.
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