2011, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Información en Ciencias de la Salud (ACIMED) 2011; 22 (2)
Knowledges and practices associated with the copyright in information professionals of institutes and research centers from the health network of La Habana
Pons BM, Sánchez TN
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 94-109
PDF size: 269.07 Kb.
A descriptive study over March-June, 2010 was conducted to assess the knowledges
and practices associated with the copyright of information professionals from
institutes and research centers of the health network of La Habana. A questionnaire
was administered to the professionals from 12 institutes and research centers. A focal
group and an interview were made. The authors identified the knowledges on terms,
relationships and implications of the copyright, as well as the correspondence among
their knowledges and professional practices in the processes of development of
collections, products designs, services provision and the information teaching. As
main study results stood out the low level of professional's knowledges on terms,
contents and copyright legislations, the implementation of some very frequent notions
during the information teaching and the development of collections, as well as the
recognition by involved in the study of their weakness and the need of overcoming of
the same.
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