2012, Number 3
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Revista Cubana de Obstetricia y Ginecología 2012; 38 (3)
Characterization of patients with altered organ cytology
Gómez GL, González SY, Cáceres PMA, Nápoles CB, Téllez GR, Fabelo BO
Language: Spanish
References: 21
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Introduction: cervical uterine cancer incidence has increased lately and currently it is the first leading cause of death in women in some countries of Latin America.
Objective: to characterize patients with altered organic cytologies in the Tula Aguilera Unviversity Polyclinic.
Methods: we conducted a cross-sectional study in patients with altered functional cytology in the Policlinico Universitario "Tula Aguilera" of Camagüey municipality from August 2010 to January 2011. The study group consisted of 180 patients and the sample consisted of 115 women who met the inclusion criteria and were treated at the provincial consultation Cervical Pathology Maternity Hospital "Ana Betancourt de Mora". The information was stored in a database created using the Excel program of Office XP.
Results: the age group 35 to 39 ( 27.8 %) prevailed. Most of the patients had CIN II (54.8 %), and 83.5 % of patients had started their first sexual intercourse at the age of 19 or younger. 59.1 % of patients had one to three sexual partners. Vaginal thrush infection was more frequent.
Conclusions: It was prevalent in the age group between 35 and 39. Consequently, there were prevalent CIN II, the onset of sexual intercourse before age 20, and up to three sexual partners in the last year.
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