2012, Number 3
Phytochemical composition of fresh aerial parts of Phania matricarioides
Language: Spanish
References: 9
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Introduction: drugs and phytotherapeutic preparations obtained from them, hold an important place in the drug marketing, so quality assurance is required. Phania matricarioides (Spreng.) Griseb. Species is widely known by the Cuban population since it is used to treat dermatologic and digestive problems.Objectives: to explain the results of the phytochemical study of the fresh aerial parts of this species.
Methods: the drying study was conducted as well as residual humidity, total ashes, soluble substances, qualitative determinations and essential oils were estimated.
Results: from the two drying methods, 81.8 % was extracted, which assures a relative humidity of 12 % approximately; it was found that the hydroalcohol solvent extracted more solid residues; the chemical composition of the fresh aerial parts mainly comprised phenols, tannins, flavonoids, lactose compounds, triterpenes or steroids, terpens and organic acids. Essential oils accounted for 0.4 %.
Conclusions: the main components of fresh aerial parts of Phania matricaroides are phenolic compounds, tannins, flavonoids, lactonic compounds, triterpens or steroids, terpens and organic acids.
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