2012, Number 1
Level of knowledge and attitude towards the fulfillment of biosafety in stomatologists
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 80-90
PDF size: 107.96 Kb.
The stomatologists and health professionals, along with his work-team represent personnel with risk of contracting infectious diseases. Given the importance of the knowledge and application of Biosafety Measures in Stomatology, it was performed this transversal-analytic-observational study, in which it was assessed the knowledge and attitudes about biosafety in stomatologists of Güines municipality, in the corresponding period from May 2007 to May 2009. The study population consisted of the municipal stomatologists who were working during that period. To achieve the objectives it was applied an anonymous survey in writing form, that measured the level of knowledge on Biosafety, as well as an observation guide through which the accomplishment of these measures in practice could be assessed. Upon completion of this study it was obtained that the post-graduate education turned out the main source of obtaining knowledge on biosafety, finding no relationship between the years of work experience and the source of obtaining information, the sixth part of respondents had a fairly adequate level of knowledge on biosafety, there was no statistical significance among professionals that meet and do not meet the biosafety measures, and there is a relationship between the level of awareness and compliance with biosafety measures.REFERENCES
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