2012, Number 05
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2012; 80 (05)
Booster Vaccination Against Bordella Pertussis During Pregnancy
Esteves-Jaramillo A, Gómez ACM, Esparza AM, López-Collada VLR
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 341-347
PDF size: 233.59 Kb.
During the last decades, the incidence of whopping cough, has been rising worldwide, despite the high coverage of the immunization programs. The highest mortality is found among children under 6 month of age, who are too young to have completed a primary vaccination series with three doses the pertussis vaccine, nevertheless this disease also affects adolescents and adults, who may only manifest mild symptomatology. Hence they do not get diagnosed or treated, becoming a potential community source of infection for young children. In order to prevent this transmission, the recommendation of vaccinating adolescents and adults, including of women in child bearing age, was issued. Nevertheless the immunization coverage among these populations was low. Postpartum vaccination was also recommended, but recent evidence have shown that the antibody levels in breast milk are detectable at least a week after immunization, allowing a window of opportunity for the infection in the newborn.
Finally, it has been suggested that a booster dose against
Bordetella pertussis, given to pregnant women is safe and immunogenic. Therefore, the antibody transferred across the placenta and through breast milk, could protect the product in the early stages of life.
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