2012, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública 2012; 38 (2)
Risk factors associated to low birthweight
García BLG
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 238-245
PDF size: 150.06 Kb.
Introduction: the high low birthweight rate brings about an increase of neonatal morbidity and mortality.
Objective: to delve into knowledge of risk factors for low birthweight to provide better care of pregnant women.
Methods: retrospective research study conducted on a sample of 114 low birthweight newborns from a population of 1 906 births in "José Manuel Seguí" teaching polyclinics of Guira de Melena municipality, Artemisa province.
Results: in the 2004-2008 five year-period, the low birthweight rate was 5.9%, being 2004 the most significant year with 8.6%. Preterm birth was the most incidental factor in low birthweight with 58.7% in the studied period. Low birthweight was influenced by prematurity, and present in pregnant patients suffering high risks such as blood hypertension, smoking and vaginal infections.
Conclusions: the achieved results contributed to improve the care of pregnant women who might have a low birthweight newborn in "José Manuel Seguí Jiménez" teaching polyclinics in Guira de Melena.
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