2012, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Salud y Trabajo 2012; 13 (1)
Utility of the educative and participative intervention strategies in the prevention of occupational accidents
Robaina AC, Ávila RI, Partanen T, Doval MA
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 34-40
PDF size: 263.99 Kb.
A comparative analysis of two studies on prevention of occupational accidents was performed using educative and participative strategies of active prevention, in order to improve risk identification , safety behavior and, in general, improve the safety climate among workers of the company , so that impact on a reduction of risk factors for accidents and injuries and their consequences : the occupational accidents. The method used in both studies consisted of three main stages: 1) identification of risks of occupational accidents in construction and port workers (diagnosis ); 2) implementation of appropriate intervention strategy (educational intervention ); and 3) evaluation of the results of the activities during the intervention ( evaluation). The result was positive in both studies , achieving an improvement in safety climate among workers and a reduction of injuries, been much more significant in the latter study than in the first.
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