2012, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Salud y Trabajo 2012; 13 (1)
Evaluating the incorporation of heavy metals to agroecosystem. Role of the productive practices executed by agricultural workers
García CD, Santana RJL, Olivares RS, Ruiz GL, Calderón PPA, Lima CL, Ávila RI
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 3-9
PDF size: 286.12 Kb.
Health risks associated to practical activities in farm and agriculture are increasing all over the world. These risks are depending from technology and chemicals substances abuse. Urban agriculture specifically constitutes a challenge for producers and researchers. Agricultural food production, held inside of the cities, looking for sustainable productions is developed in risky scenarios where it is possible to found environmental pollutants such as heavy metals. Environmental pollutants may to contaminate humans throughout different pathways. The analysis of factors related to agricultural working strategies of urban farm workers, the precedent knowledgement about production places and analytical data related to composition and properties of these sites, are significant criteria for proper management of ecosystems. Qualitative analysis research tool such as expert group criteria is a suitable method for field research in this area. It was determined that the precedent use of soil, the use of fertilizers and phytosanitary products are key elements to be taken into account for successful management of agroecosystems and for health risk prevention related to the possible influence of heavy metals in farm practice.
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