2012, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Pediatr 2012; 84 (1)
Morbility and mortality of the preterm newborn weighing under 1 500 g
Cárdenas GL, Méndez AL, Moreno VO, Díaz ÁM
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 47-57
PDF size: 90.79 Kb.
Introduction: one of the more significant challenges in the field of the neonatology has been the integral treatment to a very small newborn as well as to achieve decrease the high rates of morbility and mortality in newborns with a very low gestational age.
Methods: an observational and descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted in 139 neonates weighing under 1 500 g and with less than 37 weeks of gestational age, over 2003-2007 in the "Dr. Eusebio Hernandez" Gynecology and Obstetric Hospital. The study variables were: gestational age, birth weight, sex, birth route, Apgar score, nutritional assessment, morbility and cause of death. Authors showed the results mainly by means of rates and percentages.
Results: the incidence found was of the 0, 66 % during study period. More than a half of patients born by cesarean section (57.6 %) and the 73.3 % had a normal Apgar score. The newborn incidence weighing under 1 000 g was of 11.5 %. More than the three quarter of universe was diagnosed with a restricted intrauterine growth. The first cause of morbility was the late onset sepsis, followed by the hyaline membrane disease. The 100% of immature patients dyed (less than 28 weeks), whereas the 37.5 % of the very small at birth (less than 1 000 g) were alive at discharge. The entity that more deaths provoked was the sepsis (34.2 %), mainly, the late onset sepsis, with a lethality rate 1,5 higher than the congenital sepsis.
Conclusions: the incidence of neonates with very low weight was lower than mentioned in the international reports. Sepsis and hyaline membrane disease were the major causes of morbility and mortality. The very little neonates and those immature were included the group with more cases of mortality.
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